It all started when my two friends encouraged me to come to their 7:30 Crossfit class with them. There was no way I could lift weights let alone be committed. I was a 39 year old mother of two. Well guess what I did? I gave in and bought a Groupon one night. I was ready to prove myself wrong. I wasn’t considered overweight or large at all but I was insecure with my “problem areas”

After the first day I was hooked. Was it hard? Absolutely!! Was I sore? Absolutely!! But wow, it felt great! The coaches were amazing and they didn’t throw me to the wolves. I started with a trainer bar and worked my way up. I myself took one day at a time and made my goals reachable. From going to a real bar to putting on weights. I was so excited when put those 10 pounders on. The running is what I hated the most and still do. It took time but I can do it now even though I don’t want to. To me my biggest accomplishment was a rope climb and my new goal is a HSPU.

After a year of coming on an average of 3 times a week I have never felt or looked better. I am always having someone compliment how thin I have become. I have lost 3 inches in my hips and for the first time in 15 years I am finally comfortable wearing a bikini again.

I didn’t use supplements to lose weight or gain muscle. It was my hard work and dedication. THANK YOU, Coach Nick, Coach Alex and Coach Adam for all your help and encouragement!!!