I started Crossfit the first week of April 2015. I had heard about the program from my 3 children who have been “doing Crossfit” for more than 2 years. Honestly, I was a little skeptical about the concept. But I could see how much the kids enjoyed it and I could see the positive physical results they were getting from the workouts. So when my son mentioned that there was a “Couch 2 Crossfit” 6 week program starting, I decided I would just check it out.

My daughter accompanied me to the introduction. Here I met Coach Alex and Coach Chris. They seemed nice – they didn’t seem to care that I was old enough to be their mom. They just wanted to know why everyone was there and what our goals were. I thought I could do this for 6 weeks.

The next 6 weeks I did exercises I had never done before. I had never lifted a barbell in my life let alone with weight on it. Coaches Alex and Chris were extremely encouraging. They never treated me differently from the much younger participants. I found myself looking forward to the workouts (crazy right?) and could tell I was gaining more energy and obtaining a desire to just get better. When the 6 weeks were done, I didn’t hesitate to sign up. I was in.

So why am I doing Crossfit? I have a couple reasons. I watched my father die due to diabetes and heart disease while my children were still very young. Now I am watching my mom struggle with lack of mobility, osteoporosis, stenosis of the spine, osteoarthritis, and blood pressure issues. I know I can’t prevent all of life’s ailments, but I can certainly do my best to prevent some of them by taking care of myself. Crossfit has given me a renewed interested in staying strong and fit so that, Lord willingly, I will be able to run around with my grandchildren someday.

As a woman in my mid-fifties, I’ve seen many women my age give up on their physical health. I believe that at this time of my life it is more important than ever to be active and stay fit to help stave off the many health issues that begin to appear in our 50’s and 60’s.

I challenge those my age to take that first step and get started. Coaches Nick and Alex will begin with you where you are and show you, step by step, and little by little, how to get more fit, feel better about yourself, and be stronger. I know I’m glad I took that step.