Carpal Tunnel

Approximately 5% of the US population will suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in their lifetime, with women more susceptible than men.

The carpal tunnel is a small passage in the hand which is made up of small bones and tendons which allow us to operate our hands and fingers correctly. When the median nerve is compressed, the result is numbing of the wrist, fingers or hand, rendering them inoperable.

This situation usually develops over a period of time; it is not a sudden thing. The problems often occur at night while the hand is inactive and normally affect the thumb and the first two fingers more seriously than the other fingers. That is because those fingers are more frequently used of course. The sensation is often one of pins and needles, an inability to move the thumb correctly due to weakness and also a low level but persistent ache in the hand.

There are no definitive reasons as to why the median nerve become compressed, although many studies have shown that there are certain factors which can make someone more likely to suffer from CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). Some of the possible causes are genetic. If you suffer an injury to your wrist, this can provoke an episode of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Also, as many as 50% of pregnant woman can suffer from CTS temporarily. People who have, or who are prone to arthritis, can also develop CTS.

Perhaps the most common cause in recent years has been due to work habits. Because we spend so much of our time typing on keyboards, tablets and phones, this intense stress on our fingers, wrist and hands can exacerbate a situation of CTS.

CTS is often temporary and will disappear in its own in time. But it can be painful and debilitating, so if you feel as if you may have symptoms of CTS, talk to us and we can develop a treatment plan for you.
Before you consider drastic action, like surgery (often suggested by doctors) you should carefully study the potential side effects. Recovery can be lengthy and relief minimal.

At the first sign of pain, numbness or tingling sensations in your wrist, fingers or hand, consult with us so that we can ascertain if the problem is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Based upon our findings we can then recommend a suitable course of action for you.