
Warning! How Fatigue Affects the Body

What you Need to Know It is NOT NORMAL to be tired or exhausted. Talking with people all day, every day, I would say about 8/10 adults struggles with something called Subclinical Fatigue – Meaning the person is not completely exhausted but living a lower quality of life because of the effects of the fatigue.  … Read more

What’s Draining Your Battery

What You Need To Know The NERVOUS SYSTEM is what gives energy and life to the body! Part of that is the Autonomic Nervous System – it controls involuntary systems like breathing, heart rate, digestion, blood pressure, immune function. The ANS has 2 parts: The Sympathetic is our fight, flight, or freeze STRESS response. The … Read more

Tiredness or Fatigue: 2.5 Million Americans Suffer with Chronic Fatigue, Don’t be one of them!

TIRED, EXHAUSTED, BURNTOUT, FATIGUED? It might be time to take some action if its Daily Unusual or Excessive for You Not Relieved by a Good Nights Sleep What You Need to Know: Fatigue is extremely prevalent in our country.  Harvard reports that up to 2.5 million Americans suffer with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at any given … Read more

Why Growing Up Regular is a Good Thing

Bottom Line: Constipation is a common issue many for children. It also stinks for parents. No one enjoys luring their child to the potty with a reward hanging in the balance for a job well done. But, for many families, the frequency of bowel movements with your child can have a significant impact on your … Read more

Kids and Colic

Bottom Line: There’s nothing like the sound of a colicky baby. If you’ve experienced this in the past, I hope that sentence didn’t send shivers down your spine. Colic is characterized by intense crying and fussiness for 3 or more hours a day, which conveniently starts just about the time you are getting ready to … Read more

The ADHD Generation

Bottom Line: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is commonly identified when a child has difficulty paying attention and controlling their behavior. Over the past ten years, we have witnessed the rate of children diagnosed with ADHD increase by 42%. The potential for over-diagnosis has caused a lightning rod of controversy within the medical profession as doctors … Read more

The Truth About Ear Infections

Bottom Line: Chronic ear infections, or otitis media, can be frustrating for both a child and their parents. While the child is dealing with the painful inflammation and fluid build-up in the middle ear, many parents find it challenging to decide the best treatment and course of action. Why it Matters: Ear infections are the … Read more

New Year = New Opportunity to Get Healthier

Bottom Line: The New Year = a new opportunity to get healthier, lose those extra pounds, and overcome the holiday hangover. The first step to having more energy, getting active and shedding those few extra pounds? Giving your body the proper nutrition. Really! Keep reading for a quick rundown of some of the best snacks … Read more

Your Guide to Pain-Free Holiday Travel

Bottom Line: Holiday travel can be brutal on your body. Long hours spent jammed into a small seat on an airplane has the potential to cause a flare up of pain in your low back or neck. Even if you are traveling by car, be careful when lifting suitcases that are stuffed with an entire … Read more

Boost Your Energy

Bottom Line: Fact: a simple 10-15 minute walk can be all it takes to help you feel more energized. That’s right. The key to boosting your energy is staying active! Studies have shown that even moderate exercise that gets your blood pumping and that oxygen flowing can increase your energy levels. And that’s not all… … Read more